Essay On American Exceptionalism

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American exceptionalism, the democratic and personal liberties of America, is what make the character of the United States special. An individual has the power to do virtually anything in a democratic society, but if Americans lose their American exceptionalism they will be deficient to what their nation could be. The rights they have as american citizens are what gives them this power. If they were to lose their rights, liberty or opportunity they would takes steps back in our society. The american exceptionalism they posses is what makes their nation great. If they were to depart from this the effects would be bad. Many individuals have shown the power they posses as an individual in society by standing for what they believe in and by showing how they can use their liberties and US resident. Many have demonstrated their power in a democratic society by making change. People like Abby Johnson and Janet Rogers have shown that they feel abortion is against the democratic core value of life. They have shown this by their acts of courage and nobility. They took a stand for what they believed in and made sacrifices to make a change. …show more content…

Americans have inalienable rights and, being in the society Americans are in, they have the choice of what they desire to do; abiding by the law, of course. Freedoms of religion, speech, press, voting, to bear arms and many more aid our strength as a people in this community. With these liberties they can chose to do or not do what makes them happy, either by their stance on political issues or even by choosing whether or not to possess arms. By displaying the power they have in their country they can make a change for the greater good. The ways to do so are innumerable, therefore using their power in a democratic society can majorly alter their nation for the

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