Essay On American Blackout

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Wake Up Questions bring the truth and without questioning lying is made that much easier. Due to this it is extremely important to question the government and furthermore hold it accountable when mistakes are made. Without pressure from the people towards the government, the government may violate the rights of citizens and may fail to realize that the citizens ultimately control the country. As seen in the film “American Blackout” Cynthia McKinney and America question the government on several events that occur including the 2000 Presidential election, the 9/11 attacks and the 2004 election.

It is the year 2000, the end of the 20th century and the start to the Bush “Stolen Election.” Cynthia Mckinney states “I don’t believe the American people even till this day, really understand what happened in Florida 2000.” (American Blackout). As many in the film American Blackout recall, blacks in the state of Florida were being kept from voting. As difficult as it is to grasp such a …show more content…

However in 2004 further disenfranchisement of black voters continues in Ohio as officials take voter machines from predominately black areas and move them to more affluent and white areas. Although the voter registration increased by 27% how can the voters vote with machine shortage? (American Blackout). In one area where 62% of the population voted for George Bush in the previous election machines were no problem and lines were not formed. Nevertheless in the inner city blacks wait in stretched lines to vote. Only 2741 machines are delivered with 125 missing and within records all 125 came in predominately black neighborhoods. This forces some to move to other regions to vote and even them some of the voters are not on the list. Their next option? To submit a provisional ballot which will not count towards to

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