Essay On Amazon Rain Forest

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The Amazon rain forest has many things to show for. The Amazon river is the largest river in the world.A total of about two thousand species of fish have been found here. That is more than the whole Atlantic Ocean.If the Amazon was a country it wold be the ninth largest in the world. It has one of the most valuable natural resources in the world. Fruits and vegetables are also found in the rain forest. Some biochemists think that alkaloids protect plants from disease. Many professionals believe that by leaving the rain forest as is, and harvesting the land would make it go up to a high cost. There are also about a hundred and twenty prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plants in the rain forest. The US Cancer institute has found three thousand plants that help to fight against these cancer cells. About seventy percent of these come from the rain forest. Also about a fourth of cancer ingredients come from organisms that are in the rain forest. Also a plant called periwinkle has an ingredient, called vincristine that helps the survival rate for cancer patients. Also there are people found in the rain forest. ‘’The tallest of these people known as the Mbuti, rarely exceed five feet tall. Their bodies have adapted the shorter they are. The less heat that gets to them. ‘’These people live in groups that range from fifteen to fifty people.’’ The people of the forest are nomads and move three to four times a year. ‘’Most of the people that live in the forest, have a better survival rate, they have less chance of disease, and they have better water to drink. ‘’ When they arrive into another settlement they chop down big trees, and leave the remaining ones left standing. ‘’They then build their house. The rain forest wood is very v... ... middle of paper ... ...fifteen hundred other plants.’’ ‘’The Andean Mountain Range and the Amazon jungle are home to more than half the population has increased by about thirty percent. By the year of two thousand and twenty demands for rice, corn, wheat, and other farming produce will increase. That would make water demands at fifty percent higher. The people called Shaman; scientists believe that for each man dies a thousand years of medicine dies with them. ‘’Scientists are trying to learn these medicines, but it is hard to get them to talk, but it’s hard to get them to talk.’’ Their people are dying, and only a few thousand Shamans remain. The medical discoveries of the rain forest inferences are being constantly updated with new information, to help endangered animals and to get cancer items from the rain forest. If the rain forest vanishes we’ll be back to the stone age.

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