Essay On Ageism

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Discrimination towards the elderly community is constantly being tolerated across the world. A definition of age discrimination can simply be put into terms as; stereotyping and discriminating against a certain individual or group of people based upon their age. Which can also be classified as ageism: defined as the prejudice against older individuals that can lead into age discrimination.The elderly community is one common group of people that are constantly being put under discrimination because of their age. Stereotypes are common at every level: in the family, in the community, in the workplace and most commonly in society. Ageism and age discrimination can be portrayed differently but remain common and prevalent throughout society. Discrimination in old age is not only based on old age alone, but can more likely based on multiple factors.This discrimination will manifest itself differently in different social, economic and cultural contexts but often is unrecognized and accepted.
In many cases job discrimination towards the elderly community is one of the major and most common ...

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