Essay On African American Denied Rights

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Denied Rights: African- American
When most people bring up the topic of denied rights to African Americans, others most commonly think of Jim Crow Laws, segregation, and racial discrimination. During the time of the 1900’s to the 1930’s, a great deal of Caucasian people discriminated the black people just because our skin color was different from theirs. In my opinion, I believed they were scared black man could do. A great deal of things happened to impact racial discrimination happened which is still going on during the present time. So, I will inform you about a really important role of right denied to the black community.

The Great Migration in the United States played a major and important role in racial discrimination. A little while after the Civil War; Just before the Great Depression, more and …show more content…

They started to put in a bunch of effort into getting the rights they deserved by being U.S. citizens. Some believed that African-Americans didn’t count as a full person only as 3/5 of a person, that’s why they couldn’t vote. I believe, the 15th amendment should apply to all races. A quote from the fifteenth amendment says, “The right… to vote shall not be denied or abridged… because race”. That is what I would go by on the topic of black people being able to vote.

A lot of the actions that were taken upon the early 1900’s led to the Civil rights movement. Today in our generation, I believe we can educate young people of the history of rights denied to African-Americans. A way of doing that Is bringing up the topic of our history and what people went through so that we can have a better life in todays’ time.

In conclusion, during the 1930’s. African Americans in my opinion weren’t treated a respectful and honorable way. Luckily today we don’t have to go through what our race went through in those days because of what Civil Rights Activist did so we can live a better life in today’s

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