Essay On African American Culture And Resilience

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For generations African Americans have fought to level the playing the field. They conquered many rights and gained a strong culture and resilience that won’t bring them down. One of the greatest assets the African American community has is the unifying power within them that allowed them to stand up against people telling them, no as they pushed back and demanded, yes. Together they created created assets of resilience, culture, togetherness. However, there are many deficits in their communities with many battles to still be won. They have to continuously suffer through created concepts of subordination economically, institutionally, and socially. There are cripplingly structural deficits and outcomes, as well as, many assets gained. …show more content…

For example, in a powerpoint in class it stated that, “....The way Blacks have adapted to poverty and racism, and yet emerged relatively unscarred, are a peculiar quality which Americans should commend” (Ladner, xxiii). You can see their strength and resilience. they have gone through so much yet they will not give up. They will continue to challenge, fight, withstand, and survive. They also have an exceptionally strong sense of togetherness. Even in prison they will form a bond that. For instance according to Comfort, “[T]he growing appreciation of togetherness behind bars. . .through their efforts to create strong inclusive bonds with incarcerated partners... (101-103). This shows the unity and togetherness are the asset that they have in their communities that has impacted those communities. On a heavy contrary they have many unfortunate deficits in their current lives today. one deficit is struggles of unemployment which is something that aids the poverty they are kept in. Due to this unfair creation of inequality, African Americans are challenged with employment and reemployment, unlike white Americans. For example, “The racial stratification of the work experience even extends to the rates of joblessness and reemployment. In periods of economic hardship, whites are far more likely than blacks to gain reemployment”. This shows that given the class system that we have in this country, African Americans are placed at the bottom of that system. This is because of the racial inequality that stems from the classist nation when whites are being hired and reemployed, but African Americans are not. Instead, they are proportionately displaced economically where many disadvantageous elements in the system are restricting them from gaining economic opportunities. For instance,

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