Essay On Abuse Of Power In The Catholic Church

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The abuse of power in the Catholic Church has been an issue for a variety of reasons. For instance, priests and others using their power for their own gain, and even some cases of individuals abusing their power, to go against the Catholic Church. Throughout its history, there has been much abuse of power in the Catholic Church. Some people believe that there has not been enough done to address this, while others do.
Like in any issue, there is a bit of misunderstanding. The child abuse scandal is not always fairly presented. Oftentimes the media presents the Catholic Church in an extremely negative way, not reporting the positive things it is doing. For example, there is an attorney in California who filed a report saying that there are many sex abuse complaints that are fraudulent and have been prompted by the easy money to be gained from the Catholic Church which is generally disliked by those who sit in judgment (Mirus 1). There are people who are taking advantage of the Church’s vulnerable state for their own profit, in which the accused and the Church become the actual victims. Also, many of the victims’ advocacy groups make their living from this, profiting greatly from the Church’s woes. In addition, some of the attorneys who represent the victims, take most of the money that is awarded to the victims. There is an instance in which a victim known as GB, “…claims that attorneys sucked up $877,000 of his $900,000 settlement” (Mirus 1). The attorneys who did this are profiting greatly from the misfortunes of the victims. Not only that, but some priests are wrongly accused. This destroys their reputation, and causes great frustration. Such a detail should be shared in the media, along with all the rest of the coverage. The sc...

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...used children, according to Vatican figures. But while several bishops have resigned in connection with sex abuse scandals, of those who ignored offenders’ behavior or even intervened to protect them, a scant few have been otherwise disciplined by the Vatican.” This shows that still more needs to be done on the issue.
In conclusion, most people believe that the sexual abuse issue has not been addressed enough, and that more action needs to be taken against abusers. Many are not satisfied with all that has been done. The news segments that report on the crimes committed by the leaders of the Catholic Church, fail to have a fair and balanced discussion on what the Church is doing to correct the abuse of power and the crimes that have been committed. The Catholic Church continues to work to prevent any further cases of abuse, and to amend any past cases of abuse.

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