Essay Comparing The Story Of An Hour And The Chrysanthemums

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In ‘’The Story of an Hour’’ written by Kate Chopin and “The Chrysanthemums written by John Steinbeck they both illustrate how both these married women desired to be more, have equal rights as men, and have a passionate relationship with their husbands. Women in the 19th century were prisoners of their marriage. Life back then males dominated and were the breadwinners of their family. Women back then were required to stay home to clean, cook and raise the children. Many women did not have jobs and the ones that did received lesser salaries then men. Men worked so that they can make money to buy all the necessities for their household to survive. Marriage was seen mainly in to bringing up people’s status, people did not marry for love they married for money. The passage “The Story of an Hour “was written in the early 1900s during that time period women did not have …show more content…

Elisa Allen was a married woman that was pushed down by her husband’s and society’s views of what a women’s role was. She tries to represents herself as a strong woman that shouldn’t be treated differently than men. This is seen in the scene when she replies to the man in the van when he says “It ain’t the kind of life for a woman’ ’her upper lip raised a little showing her teeth. “How do you know? How can you tell? (Steinbeck 212). Elisa becomes irrigated because she was told something was not for her because of her gender. Her only outlet for her frustration was her garden where she grows out her chrysanthemums. Her flowers were like her children she cares for them and are very protective over them. She had a wire fence put around them so that were no aphids, no sow bugs, or snails, or cutworms (207). Because Elisa felt isolated and weak as a woman from her husband and the society she ends up describing herself as a weakly old woman at the end of the

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