Essay Comparing The Crucible And Mccarthyism

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Similarities between The Crucible and McCarthyism Arthur Miller wrote this essay to tell us how life was back in puritans time, he wasn’t from puritan time time period nor he was a puritan. Arthur Miller lived during the red scare where he was accused and he wrote this story as to compare characters from The Crucible mainly Abigail with McCarthy. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller shows us that Abigail is a metaphor for Joseph McCarthy as they both used the so called “witch hunts” to falsely accuse other of communism or witchcraft in order to gain more power or attention. In 1950s, Joseph McCarthy started to accuse hundreds of people for believing in communism so that he can strike fear in people hearts and can remain in power, just …show more content…

John got upset because he knew it would ruin his life when everybody who know him see the confession on the church. He knew if he let them hang the paper on the church door, he cannot face his friends or be respected by anyone.“Why Abigail William charged her”(Miller 11). Proctor and Abigail had an affair and and Elizabeth fired her. Abigail then accused Elizabeth for hurting her, because of that Elizabeth had to leave the house with three kids in there.“Among those well-known artists accused of communist sympathies or called before the committee were Dashiell Hammett, Waldo Salt, Lillian Hellman,Lena Horne, Paul Robeson, Elia Kazan, Arthur Miller, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, Charlie Chaplin and Group Theatre members Clifford Odets, Elia Kazan, and Stella Adler”(Arthur).McCarthy accused all these people who were mostly authors. one of them Arthur Miller, who wrote the crucible. By accusing them he scared people so they wouldn’t stand against him and he will remain in power McCarty and Abigail accusation made a lot of people suffer for sins they didn’t

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