Essay Comparing Heart Of Darkness And Thing Fall Apart

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Edward Said has asserted that exile is both an “unhealable rift” and an “enriching experience.” While these two statements do contradict each other, Said is correct in his assumption that the two often go together. In both Heart of Darkness and Thing Fall Apart, Joseph Conrad and Chinua Achebe both illustrate this heart wrenching experience through their novel’s protagonists, Marlow and Okonkwo. Marlow and Okonkwo were both alienated from their homeland, Marlow by choice and Okonkwo by force. Nevertheless, both Marlow and Okonkwo suffered equal pain during their alienation, however Marlow was able to have an “enriching experience” during his alienation as suppose to Okonkwo. When Marlow decides to travel to the Congo, he settles on the decision to desert the organized …show more content…

However, when Marlow finally reaches Kurtz, he encounters his very own reflection of his own immoral behavior. Such an experience serves as an enriching enlightening and defining experience for Marlow as he comes to see his own wickedness in the actions of another Kurtz, and is appalled by what he sees. When Kurtz pronounces on his deathbed, “The horror, the horror”—a confession to his own wicked actions as a barbarous ivory trader and slaughterer of Congolese natives—Marlow feels as if these words are additionally his own; the words represent acknowledgment of his own evil actions. In the Congo, Marlow is cut off from his native home of England—cut off from the structured, civilized life in which he was raised, which was full of social regulations and defined parameters of socially acceptable behaviors &

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