Essay Comparing Bluebeard And Mr. Fox

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An unsuspecting wife discovers a room in her husband's house covered with blood and the bodies of dead women hanging from the rafters. She exposes him for the monster he is, which results in him being butchered by her family and friends. The events depicted in Bluebeard tales seem straight out of a horror movie – not a fairy tale book. Although the core plot of Bluebeard and Mr. Fox are the same, the levels of evil in the antagonists differ greatly.
In the chilling tale Bluebeard by Charles Perrault, a young bride is left alone as her husband leaves for diplomatic purposes. Before venturing away from home, Bluebeard instructs her not to enter the little room at the end of the corridor on the lower level of the house. He warns her "If you …show more content…

Fox enters, dragging the now fainted woman behind him. His eye catches the diamond ring on the finger of the lady and attempts to pull it off but, it was on too tightly and would not come off. "Mr. Fox cursed and swore, and drew his sword, raised it, and brought it down upon the hand of the poor lady" (Tatar, 155). This violent action caused the hand to fly into the air, and land right in Lady Mary's lap. Mr. Fox looked around for it before giving up, not even thinking to look behind the cask. Once he had taken the women up to the bloody chamber upstairs, Lady Mary runs home as fast as she …show more content…

Fox is the master of deception. With his brave demeanor and smooth way or talking, he is able to make Lady Mary fall in love with him and disregard all of her other lovers. He was able to transform himself into a different man around Lady Mary. Around her, he was gentle, caring, and sweet. However, when he was alone he was a violent man. Chopping off the woman's hand was an extremely violent reaction to not being able to take the ring off of her finger; as was leaving the walls covered in the blood of the deceased women. It is unclear whether or not Mr. Fox would have made Lady Mary one of his victims, but there is no doubt that he would one day begin to show his true self. Unlike Mr. Fox, Bluebeard does not trick his wives into marrying him with a false personality. In addition to that, he does not murder this women without reason. Once his wife proves that she cannot be trusted, she must be eliminated. Although this is a very extreme course of action, in his mind there is a basis for

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