Essay Compare And Contrast William Bradford And John Smith

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In the late 1500’s through the early 1600’s was when the first settlers came to what we know now as the United States. The first voyage was written by a captain by the name of John Smith and his view of making Jamestown. The voyage after was written by William Bradford which writes about his experience while they were establishing the Plymouth Plantation. Both men have many problems to face for example,”Being thus left to our fortunes, it fortuned that within ten days, scarce ten amongst us could either go or well stand, such extreme weakness and sickness oppressed us”(Smith 72). John Smith was already experiencing problems within the first ten days which you could imagine can only get worse from there. William Bradford which wrote about the …show more content…

John Smith wrote his experience basically all about him and what he did and what he saw. While John Smith was on the way to what is called Jamestown he had to witness extreme weakness and sickness being passed on the ship within the first ten days. Arriving there and living there didn’t make his life any easier. It just got worse and worse as days past. Also, it didn't really help since it was all men and they just wanted to fend for themselves. So basically if you were sick everyone would just leave you to pretty much die. The first winter at Jamestown was a total disaster losing more than half the men. Also, they were constantly attacked by the Algonquin Indians at one point they captured Captain John Smith. Since Captain John Smith wrote he made it seem like he took out multiple tribe members and basically let them capture …show more content…

To start it off his voyage contained a good amount of men and women. During the voyage they were going through extreme weather including many storms. One man by the name John Howland was thrown overboard, but managed to grab a rope to save his life. William Bradford consisted of puritans which would always help each other through the worst of problems. They believe that god decides what happens to them so they try to be good so god does not take their life. For the good deeds the puritans would care for the sick if they were not sick. The sailors on the other hand didn’t care for the sick and would just carry on, but when they were sick and they needed help they would get the help because the puritans aren’t those kind of people who hold a grudge. After the sailors get better they tend to change and become a puritan

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