Essay About Moving Away

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As I have grow into an upperclassmen, difficult situations have often arrived. I have met new people, gained stronger relationships with people I have known for years, and I have started to go out more. Well, these things came into play all in one night a few months ago. One day, I went with my friend “Becky” and her group of friends (a name I will use for the sake of telling this story) to a funeral to support her. After we came from the funeral and went out to eat they were all discussing having a sleepover. Mind you, her friends are not part of my social circle so this is my first time hanging out with them all. After dropping them off, my friend and I are in the car together on our way to my house and she asks me if I want to spend the night. Of course, I say yes, go home ask my parents, change out of my funeral clothes, and wait for her to come pick me back up. Once she comes to get me and we …show more content…

The first lesson was be smart in the choices you make and be careful who you make those choices with. Not everyone thinks like you, have the values you have, or hold themselves to the expectations you hold yourself to. Therefore you have to be careful, especially in today’s world, when you make the decision to hang out with new people. That night I could have done things that I know my parents, grandparents, and myself would not be proud of, but I did not. I held my ground and in a way isolated myself to a point where the crowd I was with realized I was not that type of girl. I knew I made the right decision because afterwards I was proud of myself and I did not feel guilty for seeming uptight in that situation. Someone said “respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy”. In this situations, the activities that were occurring around me were not so much no longer affecting me but they never started to and I made the decision not to let them

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