Essay About Monsters

522 Words2 Pages

Way back in the 19th century, the thought of monsters terrified young children and, in many cases, even adults. Werewolves, vampires and zombies were the stuff of nightmares; they instilled fear in even the most headstrong individual. Nowadays, these creatures still occupy young girls dreams but, in a different sort of way. So, what happened? What reduced these once feared monsters to the glittery fairies they are today? Monsters were often depicted as friendly or misunderstood creatures. Hulk and Frankenstein’s monster are most often depicted in this manner in movies such as The Incredible Hulk, Van Helsing or even the more recent, “I, Frankenstein”. The “Friendly Monster” theme contributes to the shift in the world’s perspective. Shrek, The Muppets and the characters from Monsters Inc. are notable examples of this friendly theme. This theme closed the gap between the scary monsters of the past and modern day monsters. A good horror story is supposed to make its audience fear its monster. Monsters used to feature predominantly in horror films, but today, they’re everywhe...

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