Essay About Capoeira

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Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art form that fuses fighting and dancing into unique rhythmical movements. It is performed by two people and it is often described as a conversation, a dialogue that takes place between two bodies. The origins of Capoeira are still debated amongst historians, but there are a few common things that most people who study the art forms of Capoeira agree on and this discussion is based purely on those things that are common throughout.

The origins of the word Capoeira are as controversial as the origin of the art form. There is evidence that the word comes from the Bantu word “Kapwera” which means “Fight”. It is a word that is largely used in Angola and is also pointed as evidence that the art form might originate from the slaves that came from Angola when Portuguese sailors took over that part of Africa, colonized and in turn transported a lot of its inhabitants to other colonies as slaves. The word may also come from the Tupi language that referred to low vegetation in Brazil where the game was played. There is also the idea that the word is derived from the Portugeuse word capão which is a bird cage used to keep capons (male chickens that are castrated when they are young). This suggested that slaves used to bring these chickens in their cages to market and passed their time playing the game of capoeira.
There is another etymological connection to the Kikongo word “Kipura” which in the Congolese cultural context referred to the sweeping movements made in martial art.

Capoeira is considered to have been a form of martial art or athletic game that was introduced by African slaves to Brazilians during the time of the Portuguese occupation whe...

... middle of paper ... have Capoeira featured in the main plot. It was made in 1977 and stars well known mestres like Mestre Camisa and Nestor Capoeira.
“The Strong” is one of the most popular films that showcase Capoeira. The only problem with this film is the unrealistic portrayal of the art form.
There are a lot of notable martial art actors who have showcased their Capoeira skills like Vincent Cassel in Oceans Twelve. Lateef Crowder is an experience Capoerista who has been practicing the art since he was six and has featured in popular movies that have become cult classics like The Protector, Tekken and Undisputed III: Redemption. Wesley Snipes, who is one of the most famous action herpes has also professed to have studied Capoeira and incorporates it in some of the movies he has been in.
1. Capoeira: Origins, Development, and Global Diffusion:

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