Essay About Being Strong

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Long days and short day yet we have 24 every day, how does this happen? With some words that we might hear when we talk about someone we want to be, strong, brave, full of integrity, and respectful. Strong has many definitions in many of eyes it where you can take the bull by the horns, I use strong normally to replace fearful or to not show the fear. Some might say that what my strong is, is brave but brave is the action of free falling . Like the fear for heights you jump out of a perfectly good plane to show your brave I see it that your strong to go in the air and jump out of the plane but being brave is when you’re falling. Integrity, actions that are done when someone or no one is around, you see more character when someone has excellent integrity. The largest matter to many is respect, so many version of respect is out there though. Respect for others caring about others but not being rude. This could be having a different view then someone but that might not matter because you understand that they might see things differently, yet you don 't judge and you actually could be glad to think that everyone doesn’t think the same. With different view can make the world better taking a few good ideas and combining them to make a great idea. Another …show more content…

To not have values what does matter then? What do you look forward to? Why live? I see people with small drive and wondering what purpose are they trying to fulfill. I’m not saying to get rid of them I’m just saying I feel that those who know their purpose should help these who don’t have a drive. Help them find their values who they’re, this could even help develop your own values you might not of known you had. This I believe they might not have a drive because they don’t know what their reason for living might be. Everyone has a reason, strong believer of that. Everyone can probably name someone they know who can’t see their

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