Essay About Beauty Pageants

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Do beauty pageants really help girls find their inner beauty or do they just change into faulty beauty queens? Looking deeply into what these competitions really create out of a person, anyone can quickly find that the contestants aren’t all rainbows and butterflies. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Pageantry changes some girls for the better, but can also change them for the worse. Young girls should not participate in beauty pageants because they apply too much pressure by judging females based mostly on their physical appearance and can cost up to thousands of dollars. A growing hobby for ladies is pageantry, which consists of a contest that judges young girls on the ideal traits such as appearances and personalities. Beauty pageants …show more content…

In glitz, the dresses are formal and the competition as a whole normally costs more money. This is because the candidates are allowed to wear fake appliances and the contest itself is very large. In the natural beauty contest, there are limits regarding the makeup and dresses. The contestants may not use anything that is not their natural born features. In other words, no false lashes, spray tans, heavily applied makeup or dresses that are too formal. Depending on the type of contest, the location, and the criteria that the judges are looking for, the prices and requirements may fluctuate. The natural beauty shows are smaller than the glitz, and normally, the glitz pageants are televised. This can come as a major stress source to a candidate or can be the start to …show more content…

When performing in any contest where three girls get picked for being the prettiest, they become very confident. At any rate, gaining confidence isn’t always the case. Often, it causes the female to think of themselves on a higher level than everyone else. When confidence is not being gained, the contestants who lose can often have very low self-esteem as a result. In fact, many of the contestants in the larger competitions admit to not eating the day before the actual show because doing this makes their stomachs look less bloated. Some of the participants even become anorexic or

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