Essay About Bald Eagle

685 Words2 Pages

the Bald Eagle is a fascinating bird. its scientific name is Haliaeetus leucocephalus,
It lives throughout the U.S. and parts of Canada. You can probably find Bald Eagles near lakes, reservoirs, rivers, marshes, and coasts.The bald eagle has been the U.S. National bird since 1782, Bald eagles are one of many of the large birds native to North America, with a wingspan of about 7 feet (2 meters). (They are second in size to the native California condor and are almost the same size as the golden eagle.) a Bald Eagles length is around 30.4-36.4 inches, as its weight is about 6.6-13.9 lbs. Young bald eagles have mostly dark heads and tails, their brown wings and bodies are combined with white in varying amounts.
Adult Bald Eagles weigh about 8 to 14 pounds (3.6 to 6.4 kilograms) and the female Bald eagle is larger and bigger than the male Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle mates for life; when one of the Eagles die the other one searches for a new mate. Bald Eagles usually lay 2 eggs but can lay 1 or 3. A young bald eagle doesn’t get its white head until he is about 4 years of age. While the young bald eagle doesn’t have the white head it will have a brownish blackish head.
The Bald Eagle eats a variety of food, Since Bald eagles mainly live in Alaska; there are lots of fresh salmon in rivers, so they feed on fish. They don’t just eat fish though they also eat other animals like seabirds, waterfowl, mammals, and reptiles. Bald eagles obtain their oxygen through their lungs like other birds and mammals.
The Bald Eagle is an endothermic animal which means he is warm blooded so his body temperature does not drastically change. The down feathers on a Bald eagle help the bird a lot by giving lots of warmth when needed like during a snowstorm....

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... in the air, but right before they hit the ground they release which creates a bond between the two and they most likely create an offspring together.
The bald eagles mates work together; building their nest and caring for their young. Even in drastic weathers they keep on working on their nest and keep on caring for their young. It takes 5 weeks for the baby eaglet to hatch. Eagles take on violent weather during their life but their down feathers help them keep warm during snowstorms and other cold weather. All eagle parents take good care of their young, and this involves feeding the baby chicks all the food they can eat. As a result the chicks grow very rapidly.
The Bald Eagle has some related species like; the golden eagle, red tailed hawk, turkey vulture, black vulture, and the African fish-eagle. And the Bald Eagle builds the biggest nest in north america.

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