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Education can Have a Positive Impact on the Financial Crisis

The economic crisis in a country is an issue that brings worry to a lot of people especially the working class. The crisis increases with each day making us live in an uncertain world. Aware that there many factors contributing to a bad economy, I believe that with the reinforcement of educational values the continuous drop of the economy can be prevented. Education should cost less, and education should be valued in the work force.

Education should be seen as a way to a better future and therefore it should cost less so that everyone can get the opportunity to become educated. A better education will increase the chances of getting better paying jobs bringing a better pay check home. People say that “to be rich you need to be rich” referring the saying to education. What people mean with the saying is that education is costly. Careers that can assure financial stability are very expensive. The dream of the person who wants to become a lawyer or a doctor can be easily crushed by looking at the amount of money involved in these careers. This is the reason why a lot of people never think about getting and education. They see education as an unrealistic goal. In the article “The cuts that Keep Bleeding” by NEA Higher Education Advocate, research by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities suggest that, “states should strive to expand college access and increase college graduation rates to help build a strong middle class and develop the skilled workforce needed to compete in today’s global economy." (qtd in The Cuts that keep Bleeding 11) The suggestion sounds good but the problem remains. It is quite impossible for the middle class to obtain the necessary education...

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Education can have a positive impact in the financial crisis of the country. It should not be expensive so people can choose to have a better future and probably do it in less time too. I am not saying that it would make people prosper and become rich. But it will help families to live a better life and at the same time help our financial system. Education should also be reinforced with better programs so that newly graduates feel empowered and ready to work. More internships should be offered so the academic field training is improve and employers can’t use the lack of experience as a tool to manipulate and pay low wages after all those years of study and money spent.

Works Cited

Cowie, Jefferson. "The Future of Fair Labor." The New York Times. June 25, 2013: A25

“The Cuts that Keep Bleeding.” NEA Higher Education Advocate. 30.3 (May 2013)

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