Escitalopram Research Paper

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Can escitalopram help women with menopause reduce hot flashes frequency?
Menopause naturally occurs in women at a median age of 51 years old due to deficiencies in hormones from ovarian loss of function.1 Some of the most common symptoms of menopause are vasomotor hot flashes and night sweats. The goal of therapy is symptom and quality of life improvement while minimizing side effects. As long as no contraindications are present, the recommended treatment for menopausal vasomotor hot flashes is hormone replacement therapy (HRT).1,2,3 Customized to patient’s symptoms, history of risk factors, and preferences, HRT may increase quality of life.2 However, there are some serious contraindications, possible increased risk for venous thromboembolism and breast cancer, and unclear risk areas concerning HRT along with public skepticism.1,3 Escitalopram(Lexapro ®) is another option studied for …show more content…

A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), escitalopram is indicated for use in major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.4 Currently, escitalopram is only used in menopause treatment when HRT is contraindicated.1
A randomized, multi-site, double blind study by Freeman, et al, investigated whether escitalopram alleviated menopause hot flashes. 5 For 8 weeks, 205 patients experiencing ≥4 hot flashes per day or ≥28 per week for 3 weeks received either a placebo (n=101) or escitalopram 10 mg (n=104), which could be increased to 20 mg at week 4 if severity did not change or did not have a reduction by ≥50% in frequency of hot flashes. The primary outcome was the number and severity of hot flashes and night sweats over 24 hours with severity ratings between 1-3 which was record in a twice daily diary. Women included in the study were between 40-62 years-old

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