Escape From Alcatraz Research Paper

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Escape From Alcatraz Alcatraz. The most high tech security prison in the United States. Placed in the waters of the San Francisco bay on Alcatraz Island. “The Rock” held the world's most terrifying criminals. Murderers, thieves, and prisoners too uncontrollable for any other federal prison, were sent away to Alcatraz to suffer so much, that their main goal was to keep from going absolutely insane. There were many failed escape attempts, and each time they either drowned in the freezing waters or were caught and punished. Frank Morris, Allen West, and the Anglin Brothers created an intense strategy to escape from Alcatraz and get their taste of freedom. These prisoners succeeded in following their strategy and survived their escape. On June 11, 1962 three offenders crawled through a break in the wall they had chiseled through using sharpened forks and spoons. Using dummy heads to fool the guards, Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers climbed to the roof of The Rock, leaving Allen West behind, after he failed to get out of his cell. Escaping down the pillars of the five story building, the three men avoided the night watchers. Once making it to the San Francisco bay, their last freezing obstacle to freedom, the men inflated a homemade raft made of old rubber and …show more content…

Alcatraz investigators claim to have found articles of clothing, and a paddle left behind in the waters, This gives them reason to believe that they drowned while trying to make it to Angel island. However, according to “Alcatraz Archive,” in 1962, John Scott and Darl Parker attempted swimming across the San Francisco Bay to make an escape from Alcatraz. Parker was found 100 yards from the main island, but Scott made it to the mainland, and was caught, as he was suffering from hypothermia. This confirms that the three men made it

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