Escalator Social Violation

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The social norm that I violated for this exercise was climbing up an escalator that was meant to be rode down. I chose this particular norm to violate because I knew it would involve a great deal of people, and I could get multiple reactions to my unusual behavior. I violated the norm in the Thad Cochran Center on the USM campus. I came in and sat down on the bench in front of the escalators until there were at least 15 people coming down the escalator. These people were spread out on the escalator, so I had to ask them to move over as I went up. It is not easy at all to climb an escalator going the opposite direction. If you don’t go at a fast pace you will get nowhere. When I first started climbing the escalator I almost tripped and fell. Needless to say, everyone was already starring at me at that point. I decided to try again, and I got a little further that time. The people on the escalator were mumbling to each other and most definitely judging my actions. A few moments later I could see a small crowed forming at the top of the escalator. So many people were watching. I tried several times more and then I finally gave up. This was by far the most …show more content…

I figured people would react surprised and say judgmental things to me. The social sanctions that actually resulted from my norm violation were slightly different. Of course people had things to say about my deviant act, but they expressed them to the people around them, never directly at me. This was honestly quite surprising to me, because in today’s society people don’t usually have a problem judging or cussing at a total stranger doing something they do not approve of. In addition to whispering to each other, people also began to form a crowd at the top of the escalator. They just stood there watching and laughing as I tried to

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