Errors While Driving

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As usual, you are fifteen minutes late to volleyball practice which is clear across town. You grab your bag and run out to your new car your parents just bought you. As you begin to pull out of your driveway your phone starts playing your favorite song by Cardi B. You look down to see you received a text from your best friend who is currently having problems with her boyfriend. Without thinking, you call her right away as you drive to practice. How safe is it to be talking on the phone while driving? Over the last decade, the use of cell phones has been on the rise. Along with this, driving a car and using a cell phone at the same time has also seen an increase among individuals. In a series of experiments conducted by Strayer and Johnston, they explore the extent to which a conversation on a hands-free or hand-held cell phone interferes with an individual’s driving. …show more content…

These tasks evaluated the number of errors made while performing either a shadow speaking task or a word generation task. Strayer and Johnston hypothesized that deviation in an individual’s attention from driving will be due to other cognitive situations. For instance, they believed having a conversation on a cell phone would contribute to taking attention away from driving than any other intellectual task. This study is important because it explores the risks associated with using a cell phone while driving. Numerous people engage in talking on the phone and driving every single day and the information gathered in this study is important to make individuals aware of the potential hazards associated with driving and talking on a cell

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