Ernest Hemingway's A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

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Hemingway’s style is very complex and wants the readers to “Imply greater depths of feeling than he puts into words” according the New York Times (164). Hemingway’s style would be described as how people would be communicates in person. He translates in person conversation and puts it on paper and doesn’t edit the piece to proper grammatical content. The New York Times also pointed out that Hemingway’s style and tone cannot be separated in certain stories (164). I think that Hemingway wanted to write the story of “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” entirely in dialogue because he wanted to make it as realistic and take the reader into the story. The detail that he writes in the dialogue makes the reader believe every detail. The example I want to display is the conversation the young waiter has the old man. [The waiter] put down the saucer and poured the glass full of brandy. “You should have killed yourself last week” he said. The waiter poured on into the glass so that the brandy slopped over and ran down the stem into the top saucer of the plie. “Thank you” the old man said. (166) This part of the story made me believe I was in the bar seeing this from a distance. I like to read stories where I feel like I am at the scene that is displayed. …show more content…

A man is talking to Elisa about the dog fight and “Elisa laughed. I see he is. How soon does he generally get started?” (229) Compared to Hemingway’s story each character had the same tone; the only way to tell the difference was he added detain in the characters appearance. The style difference between Hemingway and Steinbeck is the way they write the story on paper. Hemingway separates the quotes from the story. Steinbeck on the other hand incorporates the quotes in the

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