Erin Gruwell Hero

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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They can be fictional or nonfictional. Maybe a hero is a child or possibly an ordinary person. People can also have multiple heroes. Whatever, I think of my current hero, Erin Gruwell comes to mind. She is caring, selfless, and inspiring. Sometimes in life a hero commits minute acts of kindness.
When I think of Erin caring, selfless, and inspiring are all great words to use. In the movie The Freedom Writers, when she walked on to the school campest it was like a war zone. The school was racially divided and gang- infested. Many fights happened every day and even murders had occurred a few times. She was giving a class of “sure to drop out” students that the other teachers didn’t want or even like. Some of the kids were homeless; other comes from broken or abusive homes. They seen the people they knew and loved using drugs every day. They had few places to go to be safe and few people they could count on, but when they meet Ms. Gruwell that would all soon change.
Gruwell was white, wore suits to class and looked like a well-educated person. She really didn’t fit in there, but she didn’t care. She soon came up against violence and hated in her classroom, she dedicated to teach her class to learning about peace and tolerance. The first thing she used to do that was The Diary of Anna Frank. She figured the students would relate to Anna’s situation. The feelings of discrimination, and to be look at differently than others. Ms. Gruwell and Anna helped the students to know that there are others out there that have gone through the same things as them, only worst. They raised money to bring in the women who hid Anna Frank for all that time. That helped the students connect to the book even more; it helped them really know what happened and how she

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