Erikson's Stages Of Psychosocial Development Case Study

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Discuss Erikson 's stages of psychosocial development. Explain the aspects of this theory that are the most convincing. Erikson felt that one of the most important states is the intimacy versus isolation where we learn to build intimate relationships. Which stage do you believe is the most significant and Why? Stage 1- Trust vs. Mistrust This stage deals with the ages from birth to 1 year. This is the stage when infants learn who they can trust and cannot trust. When care, attention, love and affection are shown, the infant tends to have a stronger trust bond. Stage 2- Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt This stage deals with 1 to 3 year olds. This is when children learn to show independence and take control. They tend to want to do for …show more content…

Allow children to make their own decisions and control their own behavior. I do agree. This has been found true across all ethnic groups in the U.S. These parents enforce rules, but do allow discussion and communication. They can be more respected as well. Both Vygotsky and Piaget theorized cognitive(thinking) development. Compare the two. Do you feel like Vygotsky that social interactions are important in this development. Vygotsky believed that cognitive development is heavily influenced by the community and society. He believed learning comes before development. Piaget believed that cognitive development develops through stages such as: sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operations stage. I do believe social interactions are important because they help develop cognitive development. Children tend to acquire information from their surroundings and it helps build their understanding of language and development. Chapter 9 Which level of Maslow 's hierarchy provides the strongest motivation for your behavior in general? Give specifics to explain your …show more content…

Personally, I love attention and sometimes I like to know that I am doing a good job. I also love to encourage others because I love to be encouraged. However, I do not necessarily feel the need to be accepted. For example, if I make an A on a test, I still love to hear my parents say “way to go!” or “we are so proud.” Everyone loves to feel encouragement, and it can help with building a strong motivation and work ethic. Our textbook has four theories of emotion. Review and pick the one that best fits your idea of emotional experiences. Why? Personally, I would say the Schachter-Singer theory applies to me. Most of the time, I can determine why I am afraid, or why I feel a certain way. Not all the time, but most of the time. I can usually label the emotion for why I feel/react a certain way. This chapter gives various social and biological reasons for the growing world-wide health concern of obesity. Name them and views - why is the reality of weight for most people so far from the cultural or societal ideal? Most people try to visit a doctor to help them become healthy. Many suffer from health problems, including diabetes. They join weight programs to help manage their health. People who diet, but are not obese, tend to customize weight-loss plans to help with their dieting. Many people in society want a perfect body and sometimes develop eating

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