Eriksons Psychosocial Theory Of Development: Young Adults

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The young adult has numerous stresses placed upon them through the route of

development. Erikson has theorized developmental stages of growth into tasks. Of

Eriksons' theoretical tasks, one task describes the theory of intimacy versus

isolation. This task theory can be examined using the normative crisis model.

The knowledge of developmental tasks of the young adult can be beneficial to the

nurse especially associated with their ability to relate to the young adult.

One of the stages in life is the young adult, which suggests significant changes

and an increase of responsibility. This stage of development is described as

between twenty and forty years, where "...the potential for furtherance of

intellectual, emotional and even physical development occurs". (Gething, 1995,

p.377). As people age the progress of the developmental stages can differ, so

they have formulated to assess the progression by using two principal crisis

models. The first, are the normative crisis model and the second includes the

timing of events crisis model. The normative crisis model has been powerful in

shaping the psychology of the developmental stages as it has allowed theorists

to imply that stages of development can follow an age related time sequence.

(Gething, 1995).

The normative crisis model suggests that human development has a built in

ground plan in which crisis as describe by Erikson are seen as a requirement

that must be resolved by the person before successful progression from one

developmental stage to another. Such achievement of this task crisis should

provide the young adult with the ability to challenge previous ideas held by the

adolescent about intimacy and isolation. This model is adapted for progression

of the tasks to follow the chronological age of the adult, while the related

social and emotional changes progress through a sequence that Erikson

characterises in to eight specific crisis tasks over the life span. (Kozier, erb,

blais & wilkinson, 1995.).

The second crisis model depends upon the timing of events and is not dependant

upon resolution of crisis or a ground plan, but stresses the importance of each

event that occur in the young adults life. Life events that proceed as expected

will encourage development, where as life events that are unexpected can result

in anxiety and a slow progression of development. (Gething, 1995.).

The young adult according to Erikson's theory of personality should be

progressing through the psychosocial crisis of intimacy versus isolation. The

tasks for this stage of life consist of courting and selecting a "mate",

marriage and associated choices, e.g. children and monogamous relationship,

career choices and lifestyle changes and furthering intellectual abilities to

accommodate choices. (Turner & Helms, 1987.).

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