The Equality Illusion of the American Dream

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There is a thought in the american life that the fundamental of the american dream is equal for everyone no matter their race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Many also disagree because as time goes on someone is treated unfairly or is scammed in various ways. In some cases the american dream is equal if the citizens of america builds a good reputation for everyone in america to prosper so that maybe one the people of the united states could move up in socioeconomic status, so that maybe the people don't have to be grouped by race or gender. In reality there are people filled with hatred or some type of jealousy and in those eyes there is no room for peace and civilization but only chaos and destruction. At last, the American Dream is not …show more content…

In america genders a component in the equality of the american dream. Said in Kevin Miller's pay gap simple truth article, a researcher on america's wealth and income, “Did you know that in 2015, working full time in the united states where women typically paid just eighty percent of what men were paid, a gap of twenty percent”. There is a job gap between what men and women are getting paid even though they are working full time or even more than some men. The significance is that these women of the united states of america work so hard and still get paid less than men and a lot of men are lazy and don't put in as much work as women. In the end woman sure do manage with what they have but some of these women worked harder for what they have and deserve more than what they are given from what they do for not based on greed but for everyone in the united states Many americans say socioeconomic status plays no part in the american life …show more content…

The significance is that socioeconomic status actually means something in many places especially in schools in the classroom. Kids won't be getting tough as efficiently and could have a hard time comprehending the concept or may be taught differently. Also in a the article Increase Funding Would Improve Public Education, it's proven to be said that “the court knew basically separated schools in the south where never equal. White students got the new texts the best facilities. Blacks received the second class education”. The court knew schools were unequal in the south and didn't put up a stand for anything. Whites did receive a first class education and blacks received a secondary education. Supporting the case that the courts basically knew schools weren't equal supports the fact that socioeconomic status does play a role in the american dream of equality for everyone. It's actually sad that there's an actual socioeconomic status in the economy of the united states because that is the one

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