Enzyme Lactase Lab Report

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Joshua Valerio Principles of Biology Section: Thursday 08:00 29 October 2015 Discussion The affects of pH, temperature, and salt concentration on the enzyme lactase were all expected to have an effect on enzymatic activity, compared to an untreated 25oC control. The reactions incubated at 37oC were hypothesized to increase the enzymatic activity, because it is normal human body temperature. This hypothesis was supported by the results. The reaction incubated to 60oC was expected to decrease the enzymatic activity, because it is much higher than normal body temperature, however this hypothesis was not supported. When incubated to 0oC, the reaction rate was hypothesized to decrease, and according to the results the hypothesis was supported. Both in low and high pH, the reaction rate was hypothesized to decrease, which was also supported by the results. Lastly, the reaction rate was hypothesized to decrease in a higher salt concentration, which was also supported by the results. The effects of low pH, in guinea-pigs digestive tract, showed a similar effect to that of human lactase in a low pH environment. The pH levels tested in the guinea-pigs experiment were 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and the control was 6.5. As the pH became …show more content…

For example, incubating the samples at different temperatures would create more data points to establish an optimal temperature. From the results in the experiment in this study, it is known as temperature increases, enzymatic activity increase, and vise versa. However, what can not be observed is at what point does the increase in temperature begin to denature the enzyme, above 60°C. Furthermore, assays can be preformed to determine optimal pH, as well. From Dutta’s, and his partners, experiment it shows that there is a range where the Heliodiaptomus viduus’s lactase shows the most activity, which is between 5.0 and 6.0

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