Entre Les Murs Essay

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Entre Les Murs was an interesting movie about a teacher and his experience for a year of school. Mr. Marin, the French literature teacher the movie follows, has to deal with a racially mixed group of misbehaving students whilst trying to teach them literature. Through out the movie Mr. Marin continually corrects his students on their grammar, as teachers often do. It is understandable why his does this, as his occupation describes and does something that other teachers either should do or are already doing. Mr. Marin will correct his students on their grammar or help them with a contradiction they gave themselves, albeit not very effectively. Also at the beginning of the movie his students will use slang to try and get their point across and Mr. Marin will ask them to explain themselves to try to understand what they are saying. For the first lesson of class he was legitimately teaching his students grammar so they fact that they could not use it properly annoyed him a bit. Not only does he correct their grammar, on the assumption of, because he is a literature teacher but because that is what all teachers should be doing. Good grammar is highly important in the adult life and is needed for resumes, business letters, professional e-mails, or anything else where saying “Yo what up homie” would not be acceptable in any way, shape, or form. …show more content…

Having teachers correct their students promotes good grammar and vocabulary. Also, unless someone wishes to spend the rest of their life in the “’Hood”, as so eloquently put in the movie, as a slum, dependent on their parents grammar is an important thing needed, that helps get a point across with little

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