Entitles Attack Essay

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The poem entitles Attack is a haunting poem describing the terrors and realities of warfare. It has an effective emotional impact on the reader through the way it expresses the negativity of war through its imagery. Seeing as imagery is a key aspects of the poem attack, it is what helps get across the strong message Siegfried Sassoon was delivering.

Siegfried Sassoon’s use of colour to describe certain aspects of the environment, was very effective. He used colour to describe the sun. He described it as a “wild purple”. The wild purple suggests a very dark and sinister environment. Even though this could have a very ominous meaning, he could also be describing the sun and referring to its beauty and how it contributes to the beautiful scenery. “In …show more content…

“And hope, with furtive eyes” Throughout the horrors of the war, the soldiers somehow managed to stay hopeful. Although they were very hopeful, they were still suffering. “Flounders in mud” As they floundered in mud, it could suggest that they were struggling to survive like the way a fish flounders when t struggles to survive out of water, its preferred environment. Just like that, the soldiers were struggling to survive out of their preferred environment which at that moment was the trenches. “O Jesus, make it stop!” As the soldiers screamed begging for the horror to stop, the reader realises how much they are suffering. You begin to sympathise with the soldiers seeing as you realise how they were strong enough physically and emotionally to go to war. However, they are screaming and crying, begging for Jesus to make it stop because they realise at that point that there is nothing that can save them other than something supernatural that takes a lot of faith to believe in. As they begged for the torture to stop, you realise if people tough enough to sign up for the war are begging for it to stop; how would anyone else

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