English Reflection

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Overall I believe this was a great year! At first, of course, it was hard to adjust to the fast pace of high school. However, throughout the year I began to enjoy the challenge of this AATH class and really felt I accomplished a lot. One of my greatest accomplishments was never scoring below a B on a test and usually scoring high A’s! Occasionally, I even scored an 100! I truly enjoyed most units this year in class, but my favorite was trigonometry. Even though this was the last unit we did, I believe it incorporated many skills we had learned over the year. Also, in this unit there were many different areas we explored: some that required a flexible mind and others that were straight to the point. During this year in class, other than learning math, I …show more content…

I felt everyone got along and worked together to help eachother out. I felt comfortable in class to ask questions to any of my peers and you! One of my best memories from this year was doing the conics project. I had a lot of fun with my group and really enjoyed the premise of the whole project. The funniest thing in this class was the fact every time we took a test, it was garbage day. I don’t think a test or quiz was taken without the pleasant garbage truck in the background; don’t worry we all learned how to tune it out! Even though it was a great year, if I had the chance, I would have liked to try and use the math resource center more for my questions and would have liked to spend more of my own time reviewing old tests. If I had done this, I would have understood the material better and would have also been more prepared for finals in the long run. The challenges of this math class have really helped me become a better student. My study habits grew and had a huge positive impact on my grades. I have become a more determined and overall a more open minded math student. A consistent challenge for me in the beginning of the year was the fast pace of the

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