English 12 Reflection

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I was given the assignment was to reflect on certain subjects in the class English twelve that is through Madison Area Technical College but it was at taught at Deerfield high school. It was a class that taught me more than I thought it was going to teach me. It really has prepared me for college and got me sort of used to the college reading level and writing level. This paper will address some of the things I have learned throughout english twelve. In English twelve at a college level the writing was similar to what people were building us up to read so we were use to the gradual change of words that were used in the writings. The word choice was the most important thing I learned. It took time but it’s different from what you normally read …show more content…

It was like the writing it was something that came with time. At first it was hard and as time went on it got better and it wasn’t so hard to get. The reading level was the most important thing I learned to get used to because it was a key thing in the class because it was a lot of reading and you needed to get used to it quick and you’d fall behind in the class without not being able to understand it. What I will need to do in college level english so I do not fail is cite my sources correctly. I think it is one of the most important thing I learned in English this year due to it ruining your entire paper by it being improperly cited than it is plagiarism and it is an automatic F and then you’re in big trouble. Which makes this the most important thing I need to do next year in my college English class so I will not get in trouble with my professors. My time in English twelve through Madison college was a tough time with all the homework we were given and having to balance it with other classes and other obligations we may have had such as sports or work. Even after it all I feel as if it really taught me how to balance my time and not to slack or fall behind because you'll pay for it in the long run due to it being a lot of work, but I feel as if this class has better prepared me for what's to come in college than any others in the

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