Engineering Major

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Throughout life I have exceeded in Math and Science, they have always been my best classes, which is why I chose to be an Engineer major. Being an engineering major will be the toughest path that I have chosen, but the rewards are far worth the next four years of work. I will be able to, eventually, provide for a family and join a career that I actually enjoy. There are many types of engineers to choose from but for me, I chose to double major in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest forms of engineering. I will be able to design, develop, build and test all mechanical devices. Aerospace engineering is the main department with the responsibility to research, design, develop, construct, and test …show more content…

Especially in college. It helps you stay on track and be where you want to be at the end. A world class engineering student strengthens and clarifies their goals through hard work. They use every resource available to them and do everything possible to achieve their goals. That means going to class every day, even if it is not necessary. They go to class so they can exceed. Also, they go to study sessions and schedule study time each week. This makes sure their goals of doing well are accomplished. Being a world class student means your goals are clear and you are putting all your effort behind achieving them. This means putting in the work. Being a normal student, I need to strengthen and clarify my goals even more. Honestly, I have missed and skipped class before because I knew I could still do well without going every day. Also, I have never been to a study session. To accomplish my goals of having a high GPA, graduating as an engineer, and finishing in four years I need to work harder and stop getting distracted by the social side of college. If I want strong, clear goals, I need to know what I want and be working hard towards …show more content…

You need to actually know what an engineer actually does in their career. A world class engineering student would visit companies to see engineers working in their own environment. This teaches the student what engineers actually do. Which is important to know if you are going to spend your entire life being an engineer. Understanding what career path you are taking is important because you want to be happy with your career. If a person wakes up every day and dreads going to work they will have a terrible life. A carrier should be something you love to do. Also, if you find out that engineering is not what you thought it was before you get too far into college, you can change your major without losing too much time. As of right now I am not sure what all goes into being an engineer, which is not good. To be a world class student, I need to learn what being an engineer is all about. If I know I will enjoy this career choice, it will allow me to work harder towards it. As of right now all I know is that engineers use math and science to build systems that help the world become a better place. That description of the job is good for me, but I need to learn about the engineering career in more detail to know for sure that’s what I want to

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