Engage In Critical Thinking

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Do I Engage in Critical Thinking? Every day in our life we take many decisions, some are trivial and inconsequential, but there are certain decisions which carry substantial consequences. These decisions of substantial consequences are difficult to accomplish and to make the right and appropriate decisions, a person should think critically. Critical thinking is a skill of evaluating arguments or propositions with an open mind and making a judgment after proper analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of the situation, and further taking any action. Decisions can be very simple like what you are going to wear today, or very complex like deciding how you want to build your career. Thus, the time taken to decide depends on the complexity of situation …show more content…

Sometimes I felt that I made a certain decision without properly evaluating them and that made me think whether I am a critical thinker or not. One such instance was my first marriage where I did not think too much, considering my parents will find someone best for me. Eventually, that turned out completely opposite and I moved out of that marriage. Considering this instance, I can say I was not a critical thinker at that point of time as I took the most important decision of my life without proper evaluation and deep thinking. But as we know a person learn from their past experiences I engaged myself in critical thinking and took the onus of taking my decisions. In my second marriage, also I had the option of marrying someone chosen by my parents or to someone whom I love and believe. I used my critical thinking abilities to decide what I want in life and who can support me in that and later I decided to go with my own choice and married the person I loved. This provided me a sense of accomplishment and increased my decision-making …show more content…

It is just a procedure one applies, that empowers to arrive at prevalent choices consistently. This differs from person to person and we need to incorporate that art of making correct decision by continuous use of our critical thinking skills. We can develop critical skills from very root level, by incorporating in our academic studies. It provides a chance for students to think aloud and demonstrate what they know. It also brings in a good living environment, lesser disputes and creates an understanding among living beings. We can simply enhance our critical thinking by routinely captivating our psyche in unraveling confounds or in exercises that utilize procedures. The earlier we cultivate critical thinking skills in ourselves, much better results we can

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