Enduring Understanding

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The first Enduring Understanding of the year means that all of the cycles and processes that are taking place on Earth, are caused by the the energy from the sun and the earth’s interior. The second “Enduring Understanding,” of the year means that matters that are present on Earth, move through Earth’s major subsystems, in a cyclical process, a system in which matter undergoes a few different processes and then returns to its original state. The book, The Control of Nature, clearly illustrates the Enduring Understandings 1 and 2. The rain produced by the hydrologic cycle and the sun’s energy, caused the rivers to flood in New Orleans and also lead to multiple debris flows in Los Angeles. Also the movement of plate tectonics which were caused …show more content…

Debris flows consist of loose mud, sand, soil, rock, and water that travel down a slope because of gravity. Broken rocks and heavy rainfalls are two of the main factors that cause debris flows.The San Gabriel Mountains were created because of the movement of the Pacific plate and the North American plate along the San Andreas Fault. As the two plates slide past each other, which is known as transform boundary, earthquakes occur along the fault. These earthquakes along the fault lead to the destruction of the San Gabriel Mountains producing more rocks and debris for potential debris flows. This shows that the energy from the Earth’s interior which cause the tectonic plates to move (in this case slide past each other) causes earthquakes which loosens up the rocks, producing more debris for the debris flows in San Gabriel Mountains. This is a cyclical process called the cycle of erosion which could also lead to the creation of mountains over long periods of time which is why it can be referred to as a cyclical process. Also another factor that leads to debris flows is heavy rainfalls, which, as discussed before is cause by the sun’s energy. The energy from the sun causes water to turn into water vapor and rise to form clouds which then condenses to form rain. This is a cyclical process known as the hydrological cycle and is caused by the …show more content…

Humans have tried to manipulate nature many times, but have mostly failed miserably. In New Orleans, the corps of engineers tried to divert the flow of the Mississippi and in Los Angeles the Flood tried to use debris basins to catch and hold debris. They both officially declared war on nature but these attempts almost failed. In many cases it was proven that the human’s constructions, worsened the problems they were meant to solve. For example the levees that were meant to reduce flooding along the Mississippi river, prevented coastal wetlands from receiving the regular nourishment and sediment critical to their survival which is the main reason for New Orleans’ vulnerability to violent storms (Hurricanes lose force when they hit land). The constructions built by engineers create the illusion of safety which promote further settlement. Even though human’s interference with nature, sometimes results in a success, it will in most cases make matters worse. Humans should accept the absolute power of nature and stop declaring war on it to control or change the direction of its natural flow. Instead of trying to control nature, humans should try working and living with nature, because they will never be able to win against it. Nature will always find a way through human’s constructions no matter how massive or well-made they

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