Endonuclease Virus Research Paper

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Endonuclease V-DNA Repair Enzyme
Endonuclease V also known as EndoV is a highly conserved DNA repair enzyme. According to the research done in past, this enzyme was first discovered in E-coli and then later homologs of this enzyme were also found in prokaryotes, humans, and eukaryotes. This biochemical analysis of this protein is still not well understood by the scientist; however, Thermotoga maritime (Tma) which is a thermophillic bacterium is used as a great model to explain its enzymatic properties and structural properties.
EnodoV is encoded by nfi gene and the main function of this DNA protein is to repair DNA bases that have been damaged due to the exposure to the ultra-voilet radiation. These damaged DNA bases are known as deaminated …show more content…

According to a journal cripts.org, EndoV has a crystal appearance and metal-binding with site attached to its surface along with hypoxanthine-binding pocket. Apart from these, it was discovered that its structure is similar RNase-H and it also showed some RNA-cleaving properties. Besides this, it has many more insertion on its surface for Cysteine dimers such as Cys227 and Cys228. These two cysteines attached to its surface play an import part in the catalytic function of EndoV. Studies have compared the bacterial and human EndonucleaseV and found that bacterial EndoV shows high cleavage efficiency on nucleic acid substrates, whereas human EndoV has shown more efficiency towards single stranded RNA and is most active towards DNA with …show more content…

And this property of Endo V allows other proteins to complete the downstream repair process. So this study signifies that acts as a strong DNA repair protein. Also the activity of EndoV is not complete without a metal factor of Mg2+ that is responsible for the catalysis of this enzyme. Also the metal factor upon binding with DNA it actually shows 3’ and 5’ non-specific exonuclease activity. This was demonstrated using a 5’ and 3’ labeled inosine containing DNA and H2124D mutant, where the actual 3’ exonuclease activity was

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