Endometriosis Essay

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Endometriosis is a very painful disorder that effects the tissues that lines the inside of the uterus. Endometriosis causes the tissue to grow outside your uterus. Endometriosis usually involves your ovaries, bowel or the tissue lining your pelvis. Rarely, does the tissue spread beyond your pelvic region. Many researchers have tried to find a cause for this disease but to this day the cause is still unknown. There is no cure for endometriosis, however there are several treatments for the symptoms endometriosis may causes.
Background of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrial tissue that lines the inside of the uterus is found outside of the uterus. Endometriosis is found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the lining of the pelvic cavity, and the outer surface of the uterus. Other sites are the vagina, cervix, vulva, bowel, bladder, or rectum. In some rare cases it can also be found in the lungs, brain, and skin. Endometriosis effects an estimated 10% of all women during their reproductive years. This is about 176 million women, who have the symptoms of endometriosis. (Reference) Even though growths of endometriosis are benign they still cause many problems. Once a month, hormones cause a woman’s uterus lining to build up with tissue and blood. If the woman does not become pregnant, the uterus sheds this tissue and blood. The tissue and blood leave the body through the vagina this is known as a menstrual period. In woman with endometriosis the tissue and blood that is shed into the body during menstruation can cause pain, inflammation, and scar tissue. When the endometrial tissue grows, it covers the ovaries and can block the fallopian tubes. Trapped blood can form cysts. It will also form scar tissue and ...

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...e. These hormones have menopausal side effects. Progestins commonly known as Depo-Provera is used to shrink endometrial spots. Side effects of progestin can include weight gain, depression, and decreased bone growth.
Hysterectomy is an option in severe cases of endometriosis. A surgery to remove the uterus and cervix and both ovaries may be the best treatment after the reproductive years.
Endometriosis is a painful disease in which endometrial tissue grows outside your uterus. Endometriosis effects ovaries, bowel and tissue lining your pelvis. In endometriosis, tissue thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. Because endometrial tissue is displaced it has no way to exit the body, it becomes trapped. When endometriosis involves the ovaries, cysts may form. Endometriosis most commonly causes pain and fertility problems also may develop.

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