Ender's Game Theme Essay

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The main characters are Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, his brother Peter and sister Valentine. Peter is murderous boy, bullying Ender and telling him and Valentine that he will kill them. [9] Valentine is the exact opposite of Peter, being kind and protective, watching over Ender. [8] Ender is told to be a mix of the two of them. All three are very smart and intuitive, the book calling them geniuses, and children of geniuses. Bean and Petra are two students at Battle School who become Ender’s friends and help him eliminate the Buggers. Bean is small with quick reflexes, a good soldier whereas Petra is a good leader, without any fear. These Ender’s Game is a book written about the future planet earth and the war they are having with an alien race called the Buggers. The exposition starts with a view in Ender’s world: what it’s like to be a Third, the …show more content…

Ender’s entire life has been shaped so he will be the one to beat the Buggers during the 3rd invasion. All of the special and intense training he received was to prepare him. The other main theme in Ender’s Game is loneliness. From the beginning the teachers and commanders at battle school have kept him isolated from the other boys, making it harder for him to have friends. For example, in the first launch Graff singles him out amongst all the other boys, saying he was the best. [25] Obviously this is not what the other boys want to hear. This ties in with the theme of control, because they knew they would have to isolate him if their plan was to work. The themes survival of the fittest is shown on many different scales, humans vs. the buggers, all the way down to Ender vs. Bonzo in the bathroom fight. Things may not always be has they seem is represented in the stimulations with the Buggers, which ties in with control because it was a way to control

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