Ender's Game Chapter 1-3 Summary

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Ender’s Game Reading Log 3
By: Maria Parada
Summary pages 200 -254
Petra and Dink are warning ender to always be accompanied by somebody and to never be alone. That night Ender’s only way of falling asleep is by thinking about how the teachers will protect him outside the battle room if he truly means something to them. The next day after winning two battles he falls asleep and wakes up just a little before lunch time. Carelessly he walked in to take a shower, until Bonzo and other seven boys come up on him. Bonzo is the boys in the room that truly wants to kill Ender. In order for Ender to face him one-on-one he uses Bonzo’s honor to get the other boys to back down. Before the fight Dink rushes in, but is held back by the other boys as he …show more content…

Dink later takes Ender away from the bathroom as the teachers that were supposed to protect him come rushing in. Ender’s later reminded of Bonzo’s face when he first hit him and Stilson’s face too and later begins to cry. Ender is given another battle with two armies at the same time, but he is completely done with battles even after winning. Ender is informed by Bean that his toon leaders had been promoted along with their assistants too. They are now commanders including Bean himself. Ender is also informed that he has graduated to Command school but before he goes to Command School he goes back to Earth. It turns out that Ender killed Bonzo and Stilson, but they never told him. Down in Earth military officers have found out who Demosthenes and Locke really are, but have decided to do nothing since they have no power and haven’t done any harm. After a couple days Graff picks valentine up from school and convinces her to talk to Ender into going to Command school even though she didn’t want him to. In their talk Ender confesses that when he learns everything about his enemies, he loves them like they love themselves and then he completely destroys them. Valentine convinces Ender to go back to battle

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