Ender's Game: Fighting The Bugger

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This year we read a book called Ender's Game. Ender’s Game is about a boy named Ender, who is trying to help save his world from Buggers. Ender had to go through a series of test to become leader, which lead him to defeat the Buggers. Luckily, Ender is smart, and he never gives up, and he is a leader. With these skills that Ender has, he was able to conquer and defeat the Buggers, with the help of a few friends. In our world today we have people that can be like Ender and we have some who are the total opposite of Ender. Can Ender have the same personality traits as someone else. Someone you can compare Ender to is Thomas Edison. The reason we think that Ender and Thomas Edison could be alike is because they both try to never give up when they have to do something. Ender had to battle the Buggers, he lost …show more content…

Ender had to study to figure out what to do when he was fighting. When Ender was fighting the buggers he had to come up with a backup plan if something went wrong when he was trying to fight the buggers. Albert Einstein was a scientist in the 1900. He was best known for Mass energy equivalence formula E=mc2and the only reason he was able to figure out this equation was because he was very smart. Both Ender and Albert Einstein are smart in different ways. Even though Ender in not as smart as Albert Einstein he was still able to overcome situation he had to go through. Even though Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Martin Luther King Jr may be like Ender, they could all have thing in common. For instance, they are all smart, but in all different ways. Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison are smart when it comes to science and inventing or discovering. Martin Luther King Jr is smart when it comes to the Civil Right movement and maybe other things. Even though they all lived in a different time in the world they ended up having close to the same

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