Endangered Species Essay

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The earth has experienced many unexpected outcomes over the years. The changes on earth have affected many animals, plants, and ecosystems. Different kinds of species stay involved with the dramatic changes the earth has went through. The past includes climate changes, distinctions, meteorites, and evolution processes. The changes on earth will always impact different species no matter where the species occupies. The changes on earth have led to many species becoming endangered. Endangered species continue to increase and without help, earth’s species will become distinct. Many factors contribute to why animals become endangered such as environmental changes, lack of resources, new species, and the evolution most species encounter throughout
Other animals include marine life, mammals, insects, birds, and many more. Combined, ecosystems were established throughout the world for the survival of many animals. Survival for animals on earth has been challenging over the billions of years. Areas where animals associate themselves, ecosystems and survival patterns begin to establish throughout various species. In time, some species become endangered which can lead to extinction. Being identified as an endangered species involves the likelihood of becoming extinct. The probability of a plant or animal becoming extinct determines whether the plant or animal should remain endangered. Endangered species generate around the world in various regions and climates. Unfortunately, endangered species often involve low numbers of population for a specific species. The numbers help present the growth rate of different species in specific areas. Keeping track of the numerous amounts of plants and animals in the world continues to challenge scientists, but the challenge helps establish a species population. While the endangered species around the world continues to increase, the importance of preventing species from becoming endangered requires a great amount of research. Knowing the different ways to positively prevent endangering species and the
More than environmental problems and invasive species, human beings effect plants and animals very much. Humans being the dominant mammal on earth, build houses, take over land, and intrude in different species lands. Taking over land reduces resources for species which automatically effects the species way of gathering resources. Illegal hunting and poaching stays a massive problem throughout the world today. For example, poachers can endanger animals and often eliminate species with their illegal use of hunting (Bove, 2016). The need to illegally hunt shows how unsympathetic people involve themselves towards different species and authorities like police, rangers, and wildlife officers. Officers try to prevent illegal hunting and poaching as much as possible. Although illegal hunting has large effects on plants, animals, and ecosystems, legal hunting can impact species greatly. Legal and illegal hunting impacts many species because the time between legal and illegal hunting seasons may not give enough time for population increase within specific species. For example, the whale industry declined in the 20th century due to the never-ending hunting for whales. Certain whales were very close to becoming extinct because of legal hunting (Bove, 2016). Unfortunately, many circumstances lead up to a species becoming endangered including the illegal hunting and poaching humans love to

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