End Of Life Care Essay

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Clinical Challenges Facing the Delivery of Palliative End-of-Life Care

US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health. (2009). Clinical Challenges to the
Delivery of End-Of-Life Care.Retrieved from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1764519/

Obj/Introduction: The challenges clinicians face with palliative care is then primarily psychosocial wellbeing along with inadequate amounts of training. Working in a capacity of such along with making end-of-life decisions, and delivering the news to members of the family can be mentally draining. Clinicians are faced with dying patients, their families, and other work related problems that may occur, so dealing with those challenges can be problematic. Palliative care is a specialized care for those who have terminal illnesses to ensure relief a comfortable state of well being. Palliative care focuses on the treatment and comfort for each patient to guarantee that certain needs are met. The challenges that the terminally ill face are: depression, sadness, misunderstanding, and other major aspects of the dying process. The challenges that clinicians face are inadequate training and the psychosocial aspect of death, which can cause difficulties when delivering care. It is important for clinicians to be fully trained to deal with all aspects of palliative care; so those ethical dilemmas do not surface. Measuring healthcare and the operationalization of palliative care can measure the process, structures, and outcomes of the challenges to help solve a solution. …show more content…

The exclusion criteria are those who work in healthcare facilities that are not considered palliative care, specifically those who do not have terminal

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