Enchanted True Love Analysis

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True love’s kiss and finding love is the main goal in both of the heroine’s journey. In both movies the heroine’s needed a little push for them to start their journey of finding love. In Enchanted, Giselle was pushed by Narissa into a magic well, which landed her in harsh New York. This act was done on purpose by Narissa, however unknowingly Narissa led Giselle to find her actual true love Robert and it allowed her to open a beautiful dress shop called Andalasia in New York. Giselle was able to complete her heroine’s journey and accomplish something for herself based on her talents. Likewise, Aurora was cursed by Maleficent to fall into deep slumber, but the fairy sisters protected Aurora by including true love’s kiss will awaken her. Maleficent’s …show more content…

Though Narissa and Maleficent are evil and ruthless, their direct attacks are what made Giselle and Aurora finish their journey. In The Hobbit, Gandalf guides Bilbo into his journey whereas, Narissa and Maleficent push the heroines in. Rather than guiding the girls like typical helper figures, they attack them, which leads Giselle and Aurora to have many supportive people protect them, and make the heroes work relentlessly. By forcefully starting this journey it made Giselle and Aurora realize their primary goal is true love’s kiss and finding their true lover. Then, Narissa and Maleficent tried to kill the female protagonists, which led to the prince’s being highly motivated to pursue their women (Maaren, Module 5). The final battle among the antagonists and protagonists in the movie completed the journey, this battle allowed the women to return home. For Giselle she stayed in New York and became a business owner, whereas Aurora returned back to her kingdom to rule. The evil antagonists in both movie do not solely serve the purpose of intimidating the heroine and ruining everyone’s lives, the antagonists are indirect helper figures for the heroines in the movies. In conclusion, Giselle’s and Aurora’s journey was successful because of the evil women who helped

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