Employee Loyalty Essay

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“How can organizations build employee commitment and loyalty?” In business, relationships between employers and employees are an important factor that will affect every part of an organization. Furthermore, they relate to management between superordinate and subordinate in business. The employers and employees should have a role that are suitable for their position which will develop good relationship in order to be able to develop employee commitment and loyalty. To keep a good relationship in companies, the employers should have some method that will help the employees involve with the organization suitably. One method is involving by using commitment and loyalty. This essay will discuss the benefits and two major methods for encouraging them more commitment and loyalty which are workplace environment aspects and personal aspects. In terms of understanding employee commitment and loyalty, Kumar and Shekhar (2012) state that ‘Loyalty is the willingness to make an investment or personal sacrifice to strengthen the relationship’ and they also state that commitment lead to loyalty which means it has relation between commitment and loyalty. The benefit of building a sense of commitment and loyalty among employees is building employee ability. Kumar and Shekhar (2012) state that …show more content…

The internal factors, Robisson (2006) suggests that working may identifies employees’ self-awareness and increases appreciation and rewards but it depends on psychological factors which are the individual differences. The psychological contract is unwritten expectations which they can receive in return from devoting to organization. Briner and Conway (2004 cited by Robisson 2006: 21) state that long-term job security is exchanged in order to receive loyalty from the employees. In term of understanding psychological contract, it is important to discuss about external factors which may affect internal

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