Employability and protean career

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1. Introduction

The relevance and sustainability of the notion of employability in organizations in the postmodern era has being contributed due to global market pressure, high technology mass communication which has resulted in protean career. Employability can be defined as the ability of an individual to move within an organization or between jobs. In the modern world conditions like external environment of organization have influenced and shaped the nature of careers within organizations. The essay will also discuss types and levels of workers especially the postmodern idea of knowledge workers, which has affected traditional, hierarchical models of organization as opposed to more mordent adult-adult relationships. Individual career choice models have being influenced by personality characteristics of individuals, including attitudes and behaviors. According to Marilyn and Margaret 2007, the new psychological contract and the nature of covenants is mostly transactional elements (e.g. short-term monetary) than relational elements (e.g. loyalty and commitment)

2. Discussion

2.1 Employability and the protean career

According to Crowley-Henry and Weir (2007), protean career is having the ability to reform oneself for career path to achieve psychological success for example; life satisfaction and career satisfaction. According to Hetty van Emmerik et al (2011), employability opportunities increase for protean career because the individuals are highly skilled and motivated, educated, trained and have experience, which forms organizational human capital assets.

Today global business environment has become extensively dynamic and erratic that requires individuals who are flexible and can easily adjust. Bogdanowicz and Bail...

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