Empathy In Ender's Game

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The theme in both The Hunger Games and in Ender’s Game is empathy, the ability to be able to understand and connect with others. Katniss has to learn that in order to be the leader she is destined to be, she must be capable of having intimate relationships and gain the ability to trust others. Ender uses empathy to understand his enemy, and uses it to become the commander he is meant to be. However, in his journey to becoming that commander, he has to learn that he is more than just a smarter Peter, that his Valentine side is stronger. Both Katniss and Ender are natural born killers. We see this in Katniss as she is growing up and trying to provide for her family. Her ability to hunt and kill for her family’s food is impeccable. Ender grows …show more content…

Since her father’s death, Katniss has been providing for her family. Her hunting skills are so impressive that even Peeta points out her precision: “She hits every squirrel right in the eye” (89). As such an experienced hunter, Katniss is skilled with a bow and arrow, as well as a knife. We see this violence continue when she is on the train headed to the Capital. After Haymitch punches Peeta in the face, Katniss throws her knife at Haymitch’s hand: “I drive my knife into the table between his hand and the bottle, barely missing his fingers” (57). However, that act still was not enough for her; she then takes the knife and throws it across the room landing it in the wall. She knew that in order to get his attention she would have to make an impression. Katniss acts out in violence again when she is in the training room at the Capitol. During her private session after missing a couple shots with her bow and arrow, she takes a few difficult shots to try and impress the Gamemakers. However, she notices that most of them are more focused on a roasted pig than her. She becomes furious, knowing her life is at stake, and out of rage, she fires an arrow straight toward the Gamemakers that spears the apple in the pig’s mouth. The violent part of Katniss hates and does not comprehend the idea of owing people. After Katniss’s father had died, her family was starving and it seemed she had no other options. While sitting outside the bakery in the pouring rain, the young boy Peeta it seemed had purposely burnt the bread so that he could give it to Katniss. Even though in doing that it meant getting punished by his mother. Peeta had saved her life and she always feels like she owes him for this. Peeta is never able to understand this because he himself is not a killer. In Ender’s Game, Ender, even from a young age, has the innate killer instincts. In each of

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