Emotions In The Film 'Inside Out'

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Everyone experiences emotions. The Film Inside out directed by Pete Docter portrays the ways in which emotions can affect our thoughts, actions, and experiences. Emotions are the lens through which we view the world, and it is through these lenses of emotion that we view our experiences, both present and in memory. Our memories though are not necessarily always seen in the same light that they were when originally experienced, instead they are recolored by our current mood. Emotions due to being such a central element in how our individual worlds are perceived are important to be in harmony with one another. In the film Inside Out the director, Pete Docter develops the idea that emotions color our thoughts and experiences.

Emotions alter our current views and perspectives. In the film speak during various scenes, five emotions Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are seen altering and influencing the actions of the main character, Riley. A time during the film when this is demonstrated is the scene in which anger takes control and causes Riley to snap at her parents. This shows that emotions can influence the thought and actions of an individual. It demonstrates a specific emotion, anger altering an experience that could have progressed in alternate ways. While in real life there is no control panel in your head run by little …show more content…

This is portrayed during inside out in a scene in which the emotion sadness turns a “core memory” from joyful to sad represented be turning from yellow to blue due to the main characters current emotional state. This represents how the emotions being currently experienced can impact the way a memory of past events is perceived. Emotions or more specifically the current emotional state have the ability to impact not only current experiences but also an individual's recollection of past

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