Emotional Intelligence Case Study

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‘Explain how emotionally intelligent leaders are more successful in creating a loyal follower base.’ An essay presented by: Stuart Olsen L1244840 End course assignment for: Critical Perspectives in Leadership & Management HRM3034-N Module Leader: Gill Owens Module Tutor: Paul Threadgall Date submitted: Thursday 24th April 2014 In order to explain how emotionally intelligent leaders are more successful in creating a loyal follower base, it has to be considered whether this statement can be established as correct. History has given an abundance of leaders with differing styles and traits, some more popular than others. In order to answer the question, this essay will look at a range of leaders and theories, identifying if they used emotional intelligence and if they created a loyal follower base. Emotional intelligence, a theory growing in popularity within some academic circles, relies on an individual’s abilities to have self-awareness, be empathetic, understanding, able to manage their emotions, motivate themselves and others. Daniel Goleman (1996) suggests that whilst IQ accounts for 20 percent of the definable success factors in life, the remaining 80 percent account for other factors, and the basis of emotional intelligence (EQ). Where someone can have a high IQ, often good with mathematic and linguistic skills, this does not specifically make them a good leader, unless they have some kind of social intelligence, the ability to self-aware, recognising feelings, managing emotions, recognising the emotions of others, motivating themselves and handling relationships. The reason that people follow a leader can be varied, often looking for someone to believe in, someone who can make their life better, or thro... ... middle of paper ... ...cessfully assess their circumstances and adapt their findings to get the best out of their team. Human nature shows that people want to be tested, challenged and grow and perhaps this is why emotionally intelligent managers gain a more loyal following than other leaders. Their ability to read the emotions of others and understand their own emotions allows a greater advantage over a leader who doesn’t understand their subjects and is unable to create the social connection that an EQ leader can. Followers join the vision because they feel valued, included and responsible for themselves, their team and their leaders. The days of a leader suggesting ‘do what I say’ don’t appear to motivate anymore, with followers more likely to follow when their leader can answer why it is important to do something and what the benefits of doing something could be.

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