Emotion In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, Romeo’s first encounter with Juliet occurred while he was listening to his favorite song The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra. This song’s theme is reflected in the title, describing the way that she looks and the way she makes him feel. Just by looking at her and holding hands, his stress leaves him and he feels warm inside. Even the instrumentals can refer to how his heart beats are strong and fast when seeing her for the first time. The song relates back to the themes of love and emotions by describing how he feels about her and how he loves her just the way she is. To him, she’s perfect in every way and there’s no need for her to change anything about herself. This song is appropriate for this moment in the play because he’s the guy that has just fallen in love at the party. He hid himself in the crowds of people at the party and when Juliet popped up, he forgets about the family feud and only saw a beautiful girl. One lyric states: “When the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you.” This relates back to the theme family feud, where Tybalt acts coldly towards Romeo after seeing him in the Capulet's People are entitled to whatever type of music that they like and no one should be allowed to hold them accountable to making that decision. The music that they may choose could hold some personal meaning to them and unless they’ve made their life’s events clear, then their choice of music can be understood. Just like The Way You Look Tonight, the song is meant to describe how he feels about her in an older song with roots closer to when the play was first written(even if the song is three centuries later). It serves its purpose to cement the two star-crossed lovers in time while explaining how he feels without having to say anything at

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